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Amsterdam red light district prices

Amsterdam Red Light prices

There are lots of activities that makes Amsterdam Red Light District what it is today, over the years. The prices of products vary, from beer, weed, prostitution, restaurants, cultural stuff and groceries. When visiting the Amsterdam Red Light District for the first times, you might get confused about the prices of the different product. In this article, I will be giving you a good review on the price of things in Amsterdam Red Light District. In Amsterdam District, Light building owners charge as far as $165 to $206 (€120 to €150) for each shift. Hence, to cover this cost, the prostitute needs to satisfy at least three customers. Sex in Amsterdam is strictly business. Always try to negotiate up front and have your cash with you.
Amsterdam is one of the most expensive city to live or visit in the Dutch city. Yes, this might look cheaper compared to other places in the world such as London or New York. The prices of some basic items such as beer, food, coffee, and bread also differ within the beautiful city of Amsterdam.

Red Light Museum of Prostitution
Red Light Museum of Prostitution

The Red Light District prices For Tourists and the Locals

Majority of the locals know the right place to get their things at a lower price, however for tourists, there are various traps sets out there, and if you are not careful, you might fall into these traps by overpaying for certain goods beyond a reasonable amount of money. Below are certain things you need to know when you want to shop in the Amsterdam Red Light District.

Amsterdam Red Light District Super Market Prices

There are lots of supermarket in the Amsterdam Red Light District, however one of the supermarket where most tourist center visits are Dirk or Albert Heijn, and at this supermarket, you can get a croissant for s € 0, 25 cents. These supermarkets charges you more than what other Dutch supers market will charge. Just like what happens to a friend a few days ago when he was decided to get milk, and tare manager of the supermarket charge him €2 a liter. He had to leave the store to get the milk in Albert Heijn supermarket. This saved him €12 euro.
Most of the locals do patronize the shops to purchase things they forgot to buy during the day. Stay away from the cheap flickering light with an inscription of “pen” in the window; these shops also calls themselves supermarket however they selling weed ashtrays and bongs.
Of recent, there has been an increase in the number of cheesy cheese shops. These shops are traps for tourist. These cheese are high prices in which you might be persuaded to pay for the expensive cheese; however, most Dutch people don’t even know the taste of the cheese. Here is some traditional cheese stores where most of the local’s visits, these cheese stores are ‘Kaaswinkel’or ‘Kaashandel.’These stores might not look luxurious however they sell the real cheese.
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The Red Light District Beer

A beer of (0.30 cl) in the Red Light District cost between €2, 70 and €4, 50. The quality and the bar also plays a major in the prices. If you want t to drink a beer between the ranges of €2, 70, with no mixture, then you have to visit the bar where most of the local’s visits. One of the bars most people stay away from is the Ice Bar, hardly will you find someone there or pass a night there on Fridays. Search for places that have Dutch as their staffs, with a Dutch written name. That’s one of the perfect places to get good beers at cheaper rates.

The Red Light District Take away coffee

The takeaway coffees commonly called ‘koffie verkeerd’ in Dutch, the prices range between €2, 60 to €4. However, these greatly depend on the size of your order. For a good size and quality coffee in any of the shops, you can get your coffee at €2, 75/€2, 60. There are large numbers of the tourist and the locals that purchases these coffees. You can get her best coffee at the Broodbar and Nieuwmarkt/Koestraat.

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The Prices of Weed in the Red Light District

There are various weeds at the Red Light District; you can get as much you can. However, you might not like the quality as some weeds are low in quality. The Dutch people would say ‘Om te huilen”, these means so bad in quality that you might end up crying. When you want to buy weed make sure you engage in some research, read reviews and as well you can visit the cannabis college, they will be able to help you with the things you need to look for and the best weed that’s appropriate for your mood.
As said earlier the prices vary, a pre-rolled joint cost ranges about €5, and a gram is about €10 however you can get as far as €40. You can sit inside or as well smoke or drink outside depending on the weather.

The Red Light District Average restaurant Prices

Restaurant prices sometimes are very low however that doesn’t determines the quality. You can always make use of Google to check on reviews as these will enable you to have the perfect idea of how things are being done.
If you want to have a good meal, you need to avoid places such as Steak court-Pizza. Or Columbian steakhouses. Their food is expensive and different from what they do offer. There are no Columbian foods. What’s the essence of paying for an overcooked steak?
The best and reliable restaurants mostly do not have waiters outside trying to persuade you to come inside. The good restaurants has Dutch-speaking staffs who also understand English, in these restaurants you will find the locals dining and eating there.
You can ask some locals around to help you with the best restaurant; they will be able to recommend you to some specific restaurants where you can have good foods.

The Red Light District Prices for Prostitutes

The prices of prostitutes greatly depend on your reference and the things you desire. Averagely all prices start from €50 this only last between 12-20 minutes if you’re willing to spend beyond this time there will be some additional charges. You can negotiate with the lady. However, you need to be polite when doing this, make sure you don’t negotiate below €50 as it is considered an offence. The prostitute has the right to refuse; she has her terms which much be respected. Always remain a perfect gentleman.

Red Light District Museums Price

The museum’s prices are not too high, because most of the museums are situated in ancient buildings. You can make use of Google to check the reviews to be sure if the prices worth it.
Discounts are always giving on off days when people are not trooping in and also if you love visiting the museums. You can as well get a museum card, for children under the age of 18 cost € 32, 45 and while for adults it is about € 59, 90. With this, you can visit over three large museums in which you will have a great value for your money.

Hash Marihuana and Hemp Museum

One of the core hughlight of this museum is the history. It covers the medicinal, industrial bad recreational. There are various expositions in which you will be exposed to various thing that will blow your mind.
All age’s ranges from € 9, 00 you can visit the museum with just €0, 50, you can’t afford to miss the Gallery which is one of the major highlights of the museum. The entry is free only if you’ve gotten your museum tickets. If you have your Hash museum ticket, you will be given a 10% discount in the seeds shops. These tickets can be purchased online. Children between the age of 13 years and younger get free entrance when accompanied by an adult.
Ons’ Lieve Heer Op Solder (Our Lord In The Attic) Museum
It is easy to pass this place and not know it’s a museum. Tourist mostly sees it as a canal however it is museum a Catholic church which is hidden in the two top floors. This church was built in the 1600s when it is was prohibited for catholic festivities to be done publically. You need to be well prepared as there are many stairs to climb. You can only visit on Mondays to Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 6 pm Saturdays from 1 pm – 6 pm and on holidays at 10 a.m- 6 pm
Address: Oudezijds Voorburgwal 38 in Amsterdam.
Prices; Adults € 10, 00, Children ages 5 – 18 € 5, 00, Children ages 0 – 4 Free
It is very peaceful and calm when you visit this place in the morning, and you will have the opportunity to ask the staffs various questions.

Red Light Museum of Prostitution

This is the only place in the world where you can find prostitution museum. It can be found easily at the former brother and situated at the middle of the Red Light District. The tour inside is quite amazing a prostitute will walk you round the museum and give you an amazing experience, make you feel how special it is to have a good experience from the window in The Red Light District.
This museum is always open from 10 am- 00.00pm every day.
Prices; € 12, 50 for all ages. Buying a test online will help you save €2 and when you visit between the hours of, you will €9.

Factors that must be considered when you’re visiting Amsterdam Red Light

• The Red Light is strictly meant for business and fun, to have a great time, you need to spend.
• Make sure you don’t go alone, always hold your valuable goods and keep your money safe.
• Don’t go along with cameras, as you might end up being beaten.
• Don’t patronize the guys on the street
• Always ensure you are very well informed and move with your guys or in a group.
• Respect the prostitute and don’t make gest of anyone you see around.
One main thing you can’t take away from the street Red Light is the fun that comes with it. Everyone is there for a reason. You want to have a great fulfillment, Yes prices in The Red Light can outrageous most times, however knowing your way and asking from the right source will prevent you from overpaying or save you from buying goods that are not of good quality.
There is a great bar place called the Banana Bar. You need at least 50 euros to gain access to this bar, and you can drink as much as you can. This bar is one of the best places you can find naked girls holding the banana in their hands and waiting for you to show some signals in other for them to show you what they are made of. You are to pay for each trick. One of the biggest highlights is the peepshow; you will be surprised at what the lady is going to display in the cabin. You can pay 2 euros for 5 minutes peep, and you might end up watching lady picking her nose, getting her nails done. This is funny right?
There’s a condom store around as well you can be taught on how to measure the size of your pennies. There are cool restaurants as well when you can have a look and drink and have a glimpse of what is going on around you. Regardless of what you’re doing in Amsterdam, The Red

Light is one of the beautiful places to visits.

A major factor about pricing we need to understand is that it is relative. What looks expensive to you might be cheaper to others. However, not all high prices come with quality. That’s the major reason behind this article to help you with some important prices in other not to overpay for some goods.

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